Terms of use

Please read the Terms of Use carefully before you start using the SIMPO website. By using the SIMPO website, you agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy contained therein. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you must abandon the website.

SIMPO reserves the right to update or modify the Terms of Use at any time and without notice. If SIMPO changes the Terms of Use, the new version will be posted on the website. If you continue to use the website after reviewing the Terms of Use, you agree with the changes that have been made.

SIMPO has the right to change its website at any time and without notice, as well as to be unavailable for use in whole or in part. We will update the website from time to time, but we do not have to be fully up-to-date at any time (which means that the information and other materials available on it may be obsolete or incorrect).

The website www.simpo.rs and its entire content are owned by SIMPO Joint-stock company Vranje. SIMPO has copyrights on photographs, technical drawings and other materials on the website. The download, modification, use, sale and any commercial use of an internet presentation or any part thereof, as well as the logo, is prohibited, constitutes a violation of the Terms of Use and may violate the protection of copyrights and other laws.


For using this website, its content and any services provided through it, you bear the full risk. SIMPO does not guarantee that this website will meet your requirements and does not guarantee that it will be up-to-date, error free, safe from viruses and other attacks, or that problems and errors will be corrected. SIMPO does not provide guarantees regarding the results that can be obtained using this website or the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained through it. Tips and information, whether oral or written, received through this website or from SIMPO (or its employees) do not create any warranty. SIMPO disclaims any liability (explicit, implied or legal) in connection with this website.